Are you struggling to teach your children at home during quarantine?

Get FREE instant access to my teaching videos to help you manage your time with your kids,  teach effectively and keep your cool through this time of social distancing.

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Elizabeth Estelle has helped the home schooling community for over 35 years. She and her husband raised and home schooled 4 strong-willed children K- 12. She has assisted the Northern Delaware LEAH Home School Group since 1993, serving first as a gym teacher and then as leader. Hundreds of children have had to run laps at her request! She has a  Bachelor of Science degree in Art Education, a minor in English, and her Master's Degree in Teaching Reading. She has used this education to benefit her own children, her local homeschooling group and now has reached out in her ministry through to help people all over the country. Here's what MLP had to say:

Love her advice!!! This is a mom who has already done what I am trying to do. I love learning from another home school mom! Thank you, Elizabeth! Your advice is easy to implement, easy to understand, and done from a Godly standpoint. Thank You. MLP

What you will get from the videos: