What do you do to make Mondays better?

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Isn’t it funny how we as a culture have come to dread Mondays? There are whole blogs about embracing Mondays, making Mondays meaningful and encouraging sayings for Mondays.  Sometimes I wonder if Adam and Eve sinned on a Monday!

May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short! Read article to help maximize your Mondays

I do try to make Mondays a little special around here.

For us, this means something warm out of the oven for breakfast: this morning it was dried cherry scones (some with mini-chocolate chips) and coffee.  If anyone needed a little more protein, it is easy to add a scrambled egg.

My dad used to say that the best time of the week for him was on Friday at quitting time.  Then the rest of the weekend he rushed around trying to get things done. By Sunday night, he was already starting to think of the work waiting for him at the office.  And now because of our mobile society, it is difficult if not impossible to leave our work at the office.  There is an expectation of being “always on call.”

Just leave work at work.[clickToTweet tweet=”Happy Monday!” quote=”Don’t short shift your family to please your boss.”]

That’s easy to say but to really do it is another matter.  I polled our local bank tellers to see what they did to leave their work at work.  D said, “Every day when I leave, I remind myself that I am leaving work. I make a point to mentally say to myself,  I’m leaving work here at work and going home to enjoy my family.'”  Good for you, D!

Sign: Just leave work AT WORK!

Time is limited.  We give an awful lot of ourselves to our employers.  We try to go above and beyond, meet and exceed expectations and get the job done.  Remember though, that we only have so much time on earth here for our families as well.  Don’t short shift your family in your quest for a satisfying career or in trying to please a boss.  Employers have a tendency to continually move the finish line a little further away.

Have a great Monday!  And if you get a chance, make a batch of scones or some other yummy treat for your family. That work will really pay off!

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8 Replies to “What do you do to make Mondays better?”

  1. I am totally on board with finding ways to make mondays more special. My mom always use to make a delicious breakfast on mondays before school, but I had not thought of doing that in years. This blog post is a lovely reminder.

  2. “Just leave work at work” – that is so true! I tell my boyfriend and friends this all the time. Sometimes it’s hard to do the opposite too. We find ourselves bringing personal problems into our work life. But overall, great post! Have a wonderful Monday!

    1. Easier said than done, for sure. And I was bad about this at my last job- lots of pressure at work! Hope your Monday went well, Elizabeth

  3. For some odd reason , I make egg salad for our lunch on Monday. Karina can then look forward to lunch and works on classes with better focus in AM.

    1. That’s a great idea to have a special meal for her. Isn’t is amazing how we all look forward to a meal we enjoy? Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Angel Lou for your comment. Yes, a bad Monday can drain the energy out of the week.

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