God Always Allows U-Turns

Do you feel stuck  headed the wrong direction? It is not too late to make the necessary changes. You can do things differently. Evaluate what is going on in your life and commit to making those needed, positive changes today.

You see u-turns happen all the time on the road but it is perfectly acceptable to do this in your life as well.  Maybe you are making poor lifestyle and eating choices. STOP IT!  The word “repent” means to turn around or change direction. You need to turn completely the opposite way and start making better choices.

Maybe everyone else thinks that you are doing okay, but you know you really aren’t.  You are embarrassed to admit what is happening.  You don’t know how things got so out of control.  God knows and wants to help you.  Your true friends care so much about you that they want to help you.  It is not too late to change course, get the help you need and make a new start!

It is time to make that U-turn

We tend to be selfish and try to hide our shortcomings.   And we get pretty good at pretending.  Or we make some changes and think we’ve done enough. But true, lasting, internal change of the heart with Heaven-bound eternal consequences can come only through the realization that we cannot make the needed changes on our own. We need God’s help.  And God is ready to help!  Click HERE to read about what He wants to do for you.

Why wait any longer?  You are not too “cool” to change.  You are not too old to change.  You are not too fat to change.  You are not too dumb to change.  You are not too _________ (add anything in blank that is holding you back).   God wants His best for You.  Whatever that “thing” is that you know you need to change, it is time to make that U-turn.

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