Cleaning Help From Kids/ Lack of Obedience: 12 Tips from Veteran Moms

Boys working at table. Text says, Lack of help and obedience? 12 Tips from Veteran Moms

How do you get help from your kids and teach them obedience?

Question: Can you help me solve this problem? The rooms, the house, my life is a mess and I’m the only one cleaning. The kids, boys,  aren’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing with their independent work (ages 8 and 12). Consequences are irrelevant as an option. Means nothing. What can I do? Continue reading “Cleaning Help From Kids/ Lack of Obedience: 12 Tips from Veteran Moms”

Come and Get It: A Simple Chicken Soup Dinner for Hot Weather with Fresh Raspberry Gelatin and Bread

this light dinner is especially good for hot weather: simple chicken soup, raspberry gelatin and bread.

When the weather is hot here like it has been recently, sometimes you don’t even feel like eating. You feel more like melting! This simple chicken soup dinner will help you get some extra liquid into your body, is easy on the stomach and refreshing as well. Continue reading “Come and Get It: A Simple Chicken Soup Dinner for Hot Weather with Fresh Raspberry Gelatin and Bread”