9 Super Fantastic Resources for Net Safe Kids

I am not a computer expert that understands all the in’s and out’s of internet accountability, controls and resources! I am a mom who knows that I need to protect my family from the evil that is so easily available on the internet. I didn’t want the blessing of homeschooling to turn into a curse of misuse of the internet, or a pornography addiction and its evil influences.
Below are some internet accountability resources to help all of us protect our families.

Net Safe Kids: Stop Accidental Exposure!

Did you know that according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, roughly 70% of children are exposed accidentally to pornography each year?

Continue reading “9 Super Fantastic Resources for Net Safe Kids”

Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child: The Importance of the Walk

Do you have a strong-willed child?

The kind that you see screaming and throwing tantrums at the grocery store? Or in Sunday school?
Yep, I had one of those.
The kind you actually think might NEED medication?
Even though you can’t believe you are thinking that?
Here’s our story.
Please SHARE if you think it will help encourage someone.
And JOIN me on Homeschool Christian Mom FB group for more tips.
When you have a child like this, it is easy to feel like a failure as a parent.
This kind of kid tests all of your reserve strength. This kind of child teaches you to pray!

Our first child was extremely strong willed.

I even talked to our Christian doctor about my daughter. I was ready to put her on medication to help me keep my own sanity. But . . . Continue reading “Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child: The Importance of the Walk”

Homeschool Happiness: BJUPress Sales Time! Yay!

Exciting news! BJU Press Homeschool is offering 10% off to customers as part of their “Back to School” promotion. The Press campaign runs from August 1st – 16th, 2022.  This offer cannot be used on previous orders and expires at 11:59 pm (ET) on August 16th.


And here are some of my reviews:

The Best 7th Grade Language Arts Homeschooling Curriculum

Review of 6th Grade Bible

Art Porthole Project and Art Book Review

Biblical Worldview 1

Review of 6th Grade Spelling

Don’t miss any content!

Join me at FB group Homeschool Christian Mom. See you there!