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Whether you are looking for Christmas gift giving or making a special kid in your life happy, think in HOURS not items. By this I mean you should look at the time your child will play with an item as you evaluate whether or not to buy it.
After our pattern unit, we dove right in to a shaped board book art project. Inside our board book, we will add animal silhouettes.
We used a shaped book of a zebra as a pattern for 3 board book pages. Cut this pattern out of bristol board, card stock or some other sturdy paper.
Next we glued colored heavy construction paper on each side of the 3 pages (picture on far right).
Because the front page (the zebra’s head) is smaller than the other 2 pages, make sure you add in the feet and stripes (center picture).
We used a belt punch or heavy hole punch to punch holes at the top. Wiggling the small key rings carefully, we pushed them through the holes so that the book opens easily.
Using markers, add the silhouettes of various animals onto your board book pages. Remember, the more unique shape an animal has, the easier it is to recognize by shape! You can free-hand these drawing or use stencils to help you.
Tip: You can find out more about this art project, and other art projects by joining my FaceBook group HomeschoolChristianMom and by subscribing to my Youtube channel HomeschoolChristianMom Elizabeth Estelle.
What colors and shapes will you choose?
Using markers, color in your animal shapes. You can have pictures on the back of the zebra’s head (page 1), the front and back of page 2, and the front and back of page 3.
Can I use this project for younger children? I recommend age 8 and up for this project. For this age group, you will need someone to help them cut out their pages. Also,I give them the option of using a stencil to draw their animal, drawing it themselves, or I will draw the outline for them and they can just color it in.
If the student has the scissor skills to cut out their own pages-hooray! I let them.
What if a student draws their animals so they appear upside down in the book? You can leave them that way or replace that page by gluing another piece of construction paper over it.
What if a student draws shapes that are unrecognizable? If the student is happy with his book, I say leave the drawings alone. If a student is unhappy, perhaps they can re-do that page or you can help by adding in a line or two where it is needed.
Do the animal shapes they color in have to be colored only in black? No, they do not! I have seen great animal shapes in all colors and one koala that was pink with black ears. While we usually think of silhouettes as being black, this book can be a fun shape book without each animal shape being black.
Can you add words to this book?Sure you can! Some of my students like to name the animals that they have drawn. Example: Elephant.
Some students like to add text. Example: “The pink pig says Oink.”
How long should this project take? I plan for two, 1 hr. art classes, but this last class it took 3 hours. The students made their books a little extra detailed and so we took the additional time. I find it best not to rush the students if you can help it.
Tip: Keep each student’s pages together with a clothes pin until the book is tied or ringed together.
Let me know how the project goes at
You can also follow me on Instagram @the.elizabeth.estelle
At our house, we have been able to get outside to rake leaves out of the flower beds and pick up twigs. The sun felt so good and I enjoyed being outside again.
My husband has been teaching through Nehemiah- what an example of leadership. He did his best where he was (the king’s cupbearer), as a motivator of the builders and as a warrior (working AND holding a sword). Let’s remember to be training our children to be leaders as well. Give your children age-appropriate opportunities to tackle a job, help a neighbor, cook dinner or help you teach a class.
The following hymn sounds like the song of the homeschooling mom, doesn’t it?
Hymn: To the Work! by Frannie Crosby
To the work! To the work! We are servants of God;
Let us follow the path that our Master has trod;
With the balm of His counsel our strength to renew,
Let us do with our might what our hands find to do.
Toiling on, toiling on,
Toiling on, toiling on;
Let us hope, let us watch,
And labor till the Master comes.
To the work! To the work! Let the hungry be fed;
To the fountain of life let the weary be led;
In the cross and its banner our glory shall be,
While we herald the tidings, “Salvation is free!”
To the work! To the work! There is labor for all;
For the kingdom of darkness and error shall fall;
And the love of our Father exalted shall be,
In the loud swelling chorus, “Salvation is free!”
To the work! To the work! In the strength of the Lord,
And a robe and a crown shall our labor reward,
When the home of the faithful our dwelling shall be,
And we shout with the ransomed, “Salvation is free!”
Do you need some activities for those wiggly children of yours? Don’t be afraid to include some exercises into your routine!
Jumping jacks
Windmill Toe Touches
Arm Circles (clockwise, counter-clockwise, small and large)
Marching in Place
Lie on your side leg lifts (right and left sides)
If you have a high schooler that is interested in video editing, be sure and check out this previous article on Sarah Rosendahl. She has a free-lance video editing business and also teaches video editing.
Elizabeth Estelle and the HomeschoolChristianMom Team
👫 👧 👧 👦 👧 Mom of 4 strong willed kids 🎨 Art Teach and Momcoach 📚 Love to read! Visit for more info the.elizabeth.estelle on Instagram
To my kids: Today I want to let you know some more of our story. While your dad and I were in college, we were on summer mission teams together for two years. Your dad was so excited to work with the children up in Canada.