Christian Homeschool Schedule: Get Your Work done! + Be Creative

Four Humpty Dumpty mugs lined up on window ledge. These mugs show the creative side of our home school schedule.

Christian Homeschool Schedules put God first.

As a Christian, I like all things to be done decently and in order and my homeschooling schedule is no exception.  I like advanced planning and scheduling.

We planned time every morning to start with prayer. What did we pray for?

  • We prayed that God would help us do our school work to His glory, doing our best as good stewards.
  • We asked that we would use our time wisely.
  • We asked God to help us to get along together.
  • We prayed for the salvation of friends and family members.

We had an excellent Bible curriculum that we used: BJU Press Homeschool. This curriculum teaches Bible principles and how to apply them to everyday living, beginning doctrinal truths introduced in an age appropriate way, memory verses as well as the history and geography of Scripture.

However, it did not have a lesson every day, but we would read a portion of Scripture, with or without comments. Proverbs is a good book to read together. Wisdom and Foolishness are contrasted throughout the book with a plea to choose the wise path.

Note: Maybe you know someone that “unschools.”   Basically, this means they have just pulled their kids out of an organized school and are letting the kids run the show. They play, they help mommy make bread, they go to a museum, cut coupons, go shopping and lay around the house.  I do not like that kind of home school although a few days off may be needed sometimes.  I was a lot more like a drill sergeant! Continue reading “Christian Homeschool Schedule: Get Your Work done! + Be Creative”

Cochlear Implant: Noises that Hurt and Annoy, and How You Can Help

Profile of man wearing cochlear implant

Cochlear Implant: Noises that Hurt and Annoy, and How You Can Help

According to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, “in the United States, roughly 118,000 [cochlear implant] devices have been implanted in adults and 65,000 in children.” You can help a cochlear implant recipient you know to have a better hearing experience by  avoiding noises that hurt and annoy.

Most of us can relate to having a few sounds that annoy us:  a child scraping fingers on a chalkboard, someone “tsk”-ing their tongue on their teeth or a co-worker who constantly clicks their pen.

With the cochlear implant recipient, sounds can hurt.  My husband describes the pain as if someone is sticking a needle under his fingernail!  OUCH! Continue reading “Cochlear Implant: Noises that Hurt and Annoy, and How You Can Help”

A Good Parent is Patient, even when your child is SCREAMING!

A young girl with a tear running down her cheek

A good parent is patient with a crying child.  Thanks to Caleb for sharing this opening story and for being a good dad to his kiddos.

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Patience and The Crying Child

Caleb  (the dad)  and Adam who is 3

I’m finding that parenting involves a lot of scolding. Consider the conversation from this morning. . .
Adam: WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (x 30 min.)
Me: *frustration rising*
Me, talking to myself: Self, why are you getting angry?
Self: This DUMB KID won’t stop CRYING!

Me: Uh huh, that’s what kids do, Self. Continue reading “A Good Parent is Patient, even when your child is SCREAMING!”