Homeschool Happiness: BJUPress Sales Time! Yay!

Exciting news! BJU Press Homeschool is offering 10% off to customers as part of their “Back to School” promotion. The Press campaign runs from August 1st – 16th, 2022.  This offer cannot be used on previous orders and expires at 11:59 pm (ET) on August 16th.


And here are some of my reviews:

The Best 7th Grade Language Arts Homeschooling Curriculum

Review of 6th Grade Bible

Art Porthole Project and Art Book Review

Biblical Worldview 1

Review of 6th Grade Spelling

Don’t miss any content!

Join me at FB group Homeschool Christian Mom. See you there!



Organized Prayer: You can do it!

Organized Prayer: “I’ll pray for you!”

Praise the Lord that we can bring our needs and the needs of others right to His throne.

I like to pray for others and see their needs answered as well as my own requests.

However, I must admit that many times my praying tends to be haphazard.  I will start a prayer list, perhaps from requests given at a Wednesday night church service and those requests get prayed for that night– but usually never again.

And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us. I John 5:14 Text over snow covered field

Or I may start a list of things that I want God to do for my family.  I write down specific areas of my life that I want God to work on:  self-control, less anger, more trust, less fear.  And then I lose that list.   Continue reading “Organized Prayer: You can do it!”

5 Home Schooling Helps For Parents: Discipline

Home schooling help for parents. The text reads, When your homeschool day can be described in one word, "Badlands!" Picture is of rocky mountain range of Badlands with sparse brush in foreground, the Badlands of Sorth Dakota.

Sometimes parents need a  little home schooling help. What if one day you look around and realize that you need to change something with your home school or discipline in your household?  What can you do?

Homeschool Help: Phone Encouragement

Homeschooling is difficult. Thankfully there is a way to get the support you need with a phone consult. I will listen to what is going on at your house and help you come up with a plan that could work with your family.  Get on my calendar here.

Join us! is available if you need more homeschooling support.

If you just need a few ideas to get you on the right track, here’s what worked for us:

The Toys Are Getting Dumped Out All The Time!

For example, what if you realize that your children dump all the toys over and over again all day long and you are sick and tired of the mess? You’ve tried a few things but nothing has worked. What do you do now?

Continue reading “5 Home Schooling Helps For Parents: Discipline”