Organized Prayer: “I’ll pray for you!”
Praise the Lord that we can bring our needs and the needs of others right to His throne.
I like to pray for others and see their needs answered as well as my own requests.
However, I must admit that many times my praying tends to be haphazard. I will start a prayer list, perhaps from requests given at a Wednesday night church service and those requests get prayed for that night– but usually never again.
Or I may start a list of things that I want God to do for my family. I write down specific areas of my life that I want God to work on: self-control, less anger, more trust, less fear. And then I lose that list. The next list may be in a notebook with requests for my children: help this one with math, that one to find a good friend, better coping skills, safety.
Perhaps this notebook may stay around a little longer, but it starts to look messy. One request is answered, another is crossed out and updated. I tried using different colored pens for different kinds of requests but then the notebook didn’t “look right” and I stopped using it.
A Prayer Notebook System!
I was intrigued when my friend was telling me of a prayer notebook system from Ruth Bumgardner that was really working for her. One pamphlet that comes with the notebook is called Pray about Praying. What a great idea!
By focusing on why we pray, the importance of what God says about prayer in the Bible, who God is that He is able to answer our prayers– it opens up a whole wonderful perspective on praying.
Thankfully, Ruth realizes that we are all unique so she doesn’t have a formula approach. She wants to help people find a plan for their prayer life that works for them. If you need help with finding a prayer plan that works for you, please look at Ruth’s site and see if this will help you. Click here. One of the best parts about this system is that you can make it to fit you!

And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us. 1 John 5:14
Organized Prayer: Our Prayer Requests are Personal
I have been praying for years that our daughters would find godly young men to date and marry, someone that would fit well with each of them and also someone that would fit well with our family. It is important to my husband and I that we don’t just get our daughters married off well, but that we are able to extend a godly family, a legacy of Christian living and encouragement for each other.
I have long prayed for my son to have a tender heart. He is a gentle giant but it is easy for a young man to get tough and gruff as he gets older. And THEN my son became a policeman! Policemen are great but they deal with people who are drunk, on drugs, are mean and/or evil people all the time. He needs to still have a tender heart and compassion but also thick skin. So my prayers have changed as I see God’s work in his life unfolding.
My daughter has children. She needs prayer for both sleep and patience! My son and his wife are expecting their baby this summer- they will need to be flexible as their lives and schedules welcome this new one in.
My daughter has a great neighbor- she needs wisdom as she shares the gospel with her. My son is trying to mentor a young man at church- he needs God’s wisdom, too!
It is so wonderful to know that God hears our prayers. We are not praying to an idol, carved by man. An idol is deaf to our prayers. We pray to God, the Creator of the Universe. He cares about us and He wants us to pray to Him. He wants to answer our prayers and make us more like His Son. And He gives us the power to do this!
One thing I am noticing this year as I read through my Bible that God is a merciful God. He wants to answer our prayers and help us! If you need some ideas about Bible reading see this article about Intentional Bible reading.
Prayer Notebook
If you have repeatedly had difficulties coming up with a prayer notebook system that is working for you, please go to Ruth’s website and see if this system, tailored to you, will be just what you need to have an organized prayer life.
I will be discussing this more in the future, as I want us to be able to support one another in prayer and encourage each other as God is merciful to us, answering our prayers and showing Himself strong in our lives. What are you concerned about? Bring it to God and, if you want, share it in the comments below so we can all pray about it with you.
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