NEWSFLASH: I’m homeschooling. I’m not perfect.

I'm homeschooling. I'm not perfect. text on red background. mom sleep: like regular sleep but without the sleep

Newsflash: I’m homeschooling. I’m not perfect.

Fortunately, my children were already well aware of this. I didn’t have to burst their bubble, so to speak. My husband was supportive of the homeschooling so he greatly contributed to its success.

But my own mindset needed some adjusting.

  • I had my own ideas of how the days should go.
  • Of how the house should look.
  • Of appropriate lunches and snacks.
  • Of playdates and extra outings.
  • Of time for myself to recharge, read my Bible or even nap!

Continue reading “NEWSFLASH: I’m homeschooling. I’m not perfect.”

Homeschooling: Are you parenting “What IF” or “Even IF?”

Little child holding Dad's hand, only hands are shown

Are you parenting with the “What IF?” outlook or the Even IF?

The following article is shared with permission. I love this perspective! (The pastor who wrote it has asked to remain anonymous- so if you think you recognize this, you probably do.)

A little over a month ago, my 5 yr. old daughter came out of her room after bedtime and told me that she thought she heard something that made her feel nervous. It reminded her of the scary part of a movie she saw one time. I held her in my arms and promised her that she’s safe.
I told her I’m big and strong and I’ll keep her safe, that our house is all locked up, and so our house is safe, and we live in a neighborhood and a town that’s safe. And besides all that, we trust God to keep us safe.

Continue reading “Homeschooling: Are you parenting “What IF” or “Even IF?””

Valentine’s Day Present for Homeschooling Moms: Winter Fun Ideas

Picture of terrier dyed blue for winter fun

Mom asks: Do you have any ideas for winter fun?Help! Any suggestions for activities for the kids to make it through the winter blues of February? or a muddy Spring?

Mallory:  Every. Single. Homeschooling. Mom is wondering the same things 😜. Seriously can’t wait for spring to get here so we can go outside regularly.

Andrea: February is so hard.

Continue reading “Valentine’s Day Present for Homeschooling Moms: Winter Fun Ideas”