My prayer for Growth: I Hate Mother’s Day!

I have a prayer for growth.  I don’t want to hate Mother’s day.  “I hate Mother’s Day!” If this is how you feel, read on. I understand feeling overwhelmed about Mother’s Day. There is an unrealistic expectation on Mother’s Day about how you are supposed to feel about your mother, your own motherhood experience, the fact that you aren’t a mom, your mother-in-law, Mother Teresa, and Continue reading “My prayer for Growth: I Hate Mother’s Day!”

Carrot Crust (Amazing) Buffalo Chicken Pizza

carrot crust pizza baked a delicious golden brownThe delicious carrot crust on this pizza is low calorie. Even with my toppings including cheese, half a pizza was only a little over 500 calories.  I picked apart a few different recipes to make this. It is amazing. Honestly, it is more flavorful than cauliflower crust (which I love)!! I wanted pizza and didn’t have cauliflower, but tons of carrots so I googled my options: lol.  

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Guest posted by Nicolette Sheehan, our go-to person for tasty, low calorie, healthy recipes.  Thanks for sharing this, Nicolette! Continue reading “Carrot Crust (Amazing) Buffalo Chicken Pizza”