Are You Ready to Stop Home Schooling? Please Don’t!
Is your home schooling year a real trial to you? Are you ready to give up being a home school mom? Please don’t! Oh, I know it is not for everyone- but there are so many advantages that I want you to re-consider and re-evaluate your current situation before you “throw in the towel.” Continue reading “Are You Ready to Stop Home Schooling? Please Don’t!”
Never Give Up! Debt Free Living Is Possible
Living 100% Debt Free is Possible!
It is truly Tonya’s and I’s prayer that we have inspired at least one person to know that living 100% debt free is possible. We paid off a total of $125,000 in 9 1/2 years and in that time we learned some valuable lessons and I wanted to share my top 10 things that you have to do to get there. Continue reading “Never Give Up! Debt Free Living Is Possible”