Just like a state flag tells something about the state, your personality flag art project will tell something about you. If you are teaching a class, this is a great project to help you to get to know your students.
What will you put on your flag? An object? An animal? Your favorite dessert? A quote or verse? A picture of a musical instrument?
- Watercolor paper
- Watercolor paint
- Brushes
- Water
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Magazines, pictures, calendar pictures, and books for ideas
Step 1
Use a light pencil line to divide your paper into 5 spaces like this:

Step 2
Choose what you will draw in each space.

I recommend starting with a favorite animal, as this is often an easier decision.

You do not have all 4 spaces drawn in before you begin painting. I have found that this project tends to come together best one space at a time.

For verses or quotes, you can use your computer to try out different fonts and arrangements to find a pleasing layout. I had fun finding this fancy “B” in a calligraphy book. I used a light watercolor wash behind it, to look like it was written on parchment.
Our finished projects:

What will YOUR flag look like? I hope you try this project at home and post your Personality Flag on FB in my Homeschool Christian Mom group, where I have more art projects as well as homeschooling tips and tricks and resources. See you there!
Bonus: Is teaching art important? Of course I think it is!
- Art teaches you to look closely at the beauty around you. God’s magnificence is in every landscape, every flower, ever person.
- Art teaches you to make decisions.
- Art teaches you to learn something new, whether it is a new media (pencils, markers, watercolor or acrylic paint, etc.) or a new art project.
- Art can be used to learn about different time periods and different cultures.
- Because we don’t know how the Lord will use our children in the future, we need to have them prepared for whatever He calls them to do. Jobs that use art: teachers, preachers, missions, youth ministries, graphic art, design and marketing.

I homeschooled our four children K – highschool. I managed the challenge. Let me provide resources in your “I’m stuck” moments so that you can get back to teaching your children and homeschooling happily.
- Join me! Homeschool Christian Mom FREE Facebook group with tips on grading, scheduling and art projects!
Let’s connect:
- Join me! Homeschool Christian Mom FREE Facebook group with tips on grading, scheduling and more!
- Youtube: Homeschool Christian Mom These videos discuss homeschool scheduling, working with your Littles, thinking long term, and many other topics.
- For additional home schooling support, work with me!
- Alexa skills: Subscribe to Homeschool Christian Mom News
- Twitter @hmschchristnmom
Do you need some extra homeschooling help? Use this free link to get on my calendar and let’s chat! Move from being a hesitant homeschool mom to a happy homeschool family.
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