A Good Parent is Patient, even when your child is SCREAMING!

A young girl with a tear running down her cheek

A good parent is patient with a crying child.  Thanks to Caleb for sharing this opening story and for being a good dad to his kiddos.

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Patience and The Crying Child

Caleb  (the dad)  and Adam who is 3

I’m finding that parenting involves a lot of scolding. Consider the conversation from this morning. . .
Adam: WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (x 30 min.)
Me: *frustration rising*
Me, talking to myself: Self, why are you getting angry?
Self: This DUMB KID won’t stop CRYING!

Me: Uh huh, that’s what kids do, Self. Continue reading “A Good Parent is Patient, even when your child is SCREAMING!”

How to be the Best Mom: Be the Mom!

You know your child and you know what he/ she needs.

It’s okay.

Be the Mom.

Picture of husband, mom and four children near playground equipment

Be the Mom!

Be the best mom. This article is for those of you moms (whether you are the biological parents or the dad or the guardian) out there who need encouragement to “Be the Mom.” You doubt yourself, you wonder if you really should be stepping in on behalf of your child, you are worried about how you will be perceived by others, you are a little timid about your “Mom” role. Continue reading “How to be the Best Mom: Be the Mom!”