Homeschooling Transformation

An example of toys on floor

Homeschooling Transformation can get your homeschooling back on track!

What if one day you look around and realize that you need to transform your home school or discipline in your household?  How can you accomplish needed homeschooling transformation?

If you just need a few ideas to get you on the right track, here’s what worked for us:

The Toys Are Getting Dumped Out All The Time!

For example, what if you realize that your children dump all the toys over and over again all day long and you are sick and tired of the mess? You’ve tried a few things but nothing has worked. What do you do now?

My Homeschool Day IS Starting Later and Later!

Or your children are moving the start time of your home school day later and later in the morning?  Take the following steps to start over:


ONE:  Have a family meeting.  Explain that you are going to be changing how you are going to be handling the situation. This is a great time to get Dad involved and show a united front with Mom.  (Make sure you and Dad are on the same page with the plan before the meeting! If you are not committed to being consistent and following through, don’t even start. #truth)

Example 1: We are not going to be dumping all the toys on the living room floor every day. We are going to have a new plan  that we are putting in place.

Example 2: We are not going to be starting our home school day later and later every morning.  It is not working for our family. We are going to have a new plan that we are putting in place.

TWO:  Identify the specific behavior that you want to see happen. Continue reading “Homeschooling Transformation”

SALE information: BJU Press Homeschool


Exciting news! BJU Press Homeschool is holding a sale from Auguat 1st to 15th, 2023! Everything is 10% off (excluding Testing & Evaluation, AIG, Logos Science Kits, etc.) for these dates only! This offer cannot be used on previous orders and expires at 11:59 PM (ET) on August 15th.

If you haven’t gotten your BJU Press Homeschool material yet, NOW is the time!

Everything will be 10% off (excluding Testing & Evaluation and Logos). Please not— this discount CANNOT be combined with any other discounts or promotions except for the payment plan.

This sale is not retroactive on orders already placed.

Note: The deadline for getting in orders will be 11:59 (EST) on August 15, 2023. 

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Bonus Homeschooling material:

Spelling is more than just learning how to spell words. If you are unsure of what to look for in a spelling curriculum, you can read more about it HERE: Review of Spelling, 6th grade. I highly recommend BJU Press Homeschool Spelling because they integrate so many of the language arts into their lessons.

Or you can watch my Youtube review here.

If you know ANYONE with a 4 year old, the Footsteps for Fours curriculum is one of my new favorites. The authors have included SO MANY ideas!! I go through a lesson to show you how FUN and THOUGHTFUL the lessons are!

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