My prayer for Growth: I Hate Mother’s Day!

I have a prayer for growth.  I don’t want to hate Mother’s day.  “I hate Mother’s Day!” If this is how you feel, read on. I understand feeling overwhelmed about Mother’s Day. There is an unrealistic expectation on Mother’s Day about how you are supposed to feel about your mother, your own motherhood experience, the fact that you aren’t a mom, your mother-in-law, Mother Teresa, and Continue reading “My prayer for Growth: I Hate Mother’s Day!”

Homeschool Meal Planning Starter Kit: Time-Saving, Easy-to-Use and Practical

Comedic. Text on confetti background. This is me: It's Friday. Let's go out to eat. 2nd picture. Picture of food. This is also me. I'm not paying $$$$ for this. I can make it at home. 3rd picture: Mom asleep next to coffee cup. Also me: Too tired to cook.

Meal-Planning: This system is NOT overwhelming!

If you saw our previous article, Help Me! Meal Planning Basics and panicked, relax! We put a lot of information in that article about meal planning to get you thinking long-term rather than the day-to-day survival mode. Long-term thinking will help you as are meal planning in a healthier way, prevent impulse buying, and save you time and money.

Continue reading “Homeschool Meal Planning Starter Kit: Time-Saving, Easy-to-Use and Practical”

How to be the Best Mom: Be the Mom!

You know your child and you know what he/ she needs.

It’s okay.

Be the Mom.

Picture of husband, mom and four children near playground equipment

Be the Mom!

Be the best mom. This article is for those of you moms (whether you are the biological parents or the dad or the guardian) out there who need encouragement to “Be the Mom.” You doubt yourself, you wonder if you really should be stepping in on behalf of your child, you are worried about how you will be perceived by others, you are a little timid about your “Mom” role. Continue reading “How to be the Best Mom: Be the Mom!”