Be intentional about your Bible reading

It is hard work- this life we live.  There are the pressures of jobs that we want to do well, the perceptions we have about our own abilities, the ideals we have imagined about how our life should look.

As Christians, we need to be very intentional with our Bible reading time.  God has given us His word so that we can know what to do.  Sometimes we feel the first item we can “skip” to get extra time is our Bible reading.  After all, we went to church and just heard a sermon OR we listen to good music with Bible lyrics frequently OR we have a lot of the Bible memorized.  Don’t let this happen to you!  Read your Bible every day.  If your life is crazy busy, leave your Bible open on a table and as you “run” by chasing that toddler, read a few verses.  Read the Bible before a meal.  Read the Bible before bed.  Make it a priority in your life.  Then you will also be able to say, “Your testimonies also are my delight.  They are my counselors.” Psalm 119:24

The picture above is our saskatoon orchard.  Saskatoons are a native Canadian berry, sort of like a blueberry but with a sweeter, nuttier flavor.  Our plants arrrived one Good Friday, 2006.  We spent the weekend digging 120 holes, removing the rocks, adding fertilizer, planting and watering them.  With all 6 of us working, we could water the whole orchard using the creek and 5 gallon buckets in about 45 minutes.  We did that twice a day that first summer and then later added a drip irrigation system.  If you want an orchard you are going to have to be intentional- if you want to live a godly life, it is going to take that same intentionality and discipline.  You know what you need to do.  Now, go do it!


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