Marrying Across Cultures? 9 Worrisome Things To Think About

Are you thinking about marrying a foreigner? This picture shows an American family outside truck on remote road, mountains in distance

Are you thinking of marrying across cultures, someone from another country or background?  Are you thinking about marrying a foreigner? There are lots and lots of things to consider and be worried about! Have you thought of them all? Is it worrisome?  Yes, (pause) and no.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”It is worrisome to marry into a different culture if you aren’t willing to work across the difficulties of marrying across cultures. You have to be flexible! #marriage #single #homeschool #fiance #crosscultures #Christianvalues @hmschchristnmom #iteach” quote=”It is worrisome to marry into a different culture if you aren’t willing to work across the difficulties of marrying across cultures.”]

What does marrying across cultures really mean?

There are many factors involved but you should consider what culture really means.   Why does it matter?  If you can both speak at least one language in common, what does it matter if you grew up in another country and culture? Or even if you grew up in the same country but had massively different experiences?

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Are you thinking of marrying a foreigner? It matters because culture is part of who people ARE, not just the place they grew up. #hmschchristnmom” quote=”It matters because culture is part of who people ARE, not just the place they grew up.”]

Marrying across cultures: Here is a picture of 2 yo American boy standing in field in Ethiopia. The text says, Culture is part of who people are, not just the place they grew up.
Ethiopia is different from the US of A!

I first noticed my future husband because I overheard him talking about chasing baboons off cliffs and into the trees below. Continue reading “Marrying Across Cultures? 9 Worrisome Things To Think About”

Transition to Retirement: What You Should Know

Cathy Lawdanski graciously invited me to guest post on her Blog, My Side of 50. The following post first appeared on My Side of 50,” June 26, 2018. You can read the original article here.

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We recently made the transition to retirement. My husband retired last year on July 1, 2017. He had worked for 31 years for our local school system and he was ready to be out and to work on his own projects. When you’ve set your actual retirement date, you go into a stage I call “Meetings”.  And since we agree with the proverb: two heads are better than one, we attended these meetings together. Continue reading “Transition to Retirement: What You Should Know”