Homeschooling Transformation can get your homeschooling back on track!
What if one day you look around and realize that you need to transform your home school or discipline in your household? How can you accomplish needed homeschooling transformation?
If you just need a few ideas to get you on the right track, here are some examples of what worked for us:
The Toys Are Getting Dumped Out All The Time!
For example, what if you realize that your children dump all the toys over and over again all day long and you are sick and tired of the mess? You’ve tried a few things but nothing has worked. What do you do now?
My Homeschool Day IS Starting Later and Later!
Or your children are moving the start time of your home school day later and later in the morning? Take the following steps to start over:
ONE: Have a family meeting. Explain that you are going to be changing how you are going to be handling the situation. This is a great time to get Dad involved and show a united front with Mom. (Make sure you and Dad are on the same page with the plan before the meeting! If you are not committed to being consistent and following through, don’t even start. #truth)
Example 1: We are not going to be dumping all the toys on the living room floor every day. We are going to have a new plan that we are putting in place.
Example 2: We are not going to be starting our home school day later and later every morning. It is not working for our family. We are going to have a new plan that we are putting in place.
TWO: Identify the specific behavior that you want to see happen.
Example 1: We are going to play with one set of toys at a time. When we are done with those toys, we have to pick them all up and put them in their tub. Then Mom will get out another tub of toys to play with. All toys have to put in the tubs by 8 pm.
Example 2: We are going to start our home schooling day by having breakfast at 8:00 am. Everyone will be down here at the table at 8:00. You will be finished by 8:25 am and ready to start school at 8:30 am.
THREE: List the steps that you are going to take to get to the desired goal. If your children are old enough to contribute to the plan, it would be great to get their input and get everyone on board.
Example 1: All the toys are going to be divided into 5 tubs. Only one tub at a time will be allowed in the living room or play area at a time. The other 4 tubs will be in the basement/ storage area.
If you want to play with something in another tub, you will have to pick up all the toys from the first tub and request another tub. Mom will be in charge of getting a new tub for you.
Example 2: Dad may say that he will knock on each door at 7:45 and again at 7:50. Mom will make sure breakfast is ready at 8:00.
Homeschool Help: Discourage Non-Compliance
FOUR: Then decide on a plan of action that will discourage non-compliance. Most importantly, you need to know your children so you know what kind of actions on your part will discourage disobedience on their part.
If this is a VERY serious problem, non-compliance can be considered direct disobedience and dealt with accordingly.
Example 1: If you go get more than one tub of toys out and dump them all out on the floor, whoever dumped the toys will not be allowed to play until the toys are picked up AND each of the children involved do 3 chore slips from the chore jar.
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Example 2: If you are not down to the breakfast table by 8 am you get instant plain oatmeal or plain Cheerios for breakfast, no matter what the other people in the house are eating.
Home Schooling Help: Chore Slips
If you are not ready to start your school by 8:30 am, you will have to do 3 chore slips from the chore jar in addition to your usual chores. If this happens more than once a week, you will not be able to have a friend over or go to a friend’s house this week no matter what.
FIVE: Decide on a reward plan to encourage complianceThis is very important!!
Homeschooling Transformation is possible following these steps consistently.
Sometimes we do need to punish our children. But is that our goal? To constantly punish them? No, it isn’t! Our goal is to teach them. First, children are parent-controlled. Then they gain some self-control. But the true goal for me is to have my children follow the Lord and be Spirit-controlled. You can read more about what the Lord can do for you here.
Other resources:
Free Action Plan for Success
5 Home Schooling Helps for Parents: Discipline First, this article includes a great Action Plan for Success (free downloadable). Secondly, there are good examples of how to use the action plan successfully.
To Spank or Not to Spank? by Focus on the Family. This well-written article argues that spanking should not be the first discipline measure used in your family, but may be included in your discipline toolkit. It is worth reading!
Building Your Discipline Toolkit From a Biblical Perspective by Danny Huerta is an excellent article and includes great examples.

- Let’s connect:
- Youtube: Homeschool Christian Mom These videos discuss homeschool scheduling, working with your Littles, thinking long term, and many other topics.
Instagram. @the.elizabeth.estelle
Do you need some extra homeschooling help? Use this link to get on my calendar and let’s chat! Homeschooling Support. No guilt.
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