Have you had a miscarriage? A baby born too soon to survive?
Little Jesse was born at 9 weeks and her mom Nicole agreed to share this precious memorial poem with our blog readers. She captured the sentiment just perfectly!
Rachel Louise Rickner
A tribute to Jesse
April 29, 2019
I feel sorry for the people
Who don’t know that you exist.
If they had known
I can be sure
They’d love you;
They couldn’t resist.
I feel sorry for the people
Who don’t know you were alive,
But in our hearts
And memories
You always will survive.
I feel sorry for the people
Who don’t understand our grief.
They don’t get it,
How much we miss you.
They don’t have the same beliefs.
I feel sorry for the people
Who don’t consider you a child.
What peace have they?
What joy?
What comfort in life’s trials?
Do we really even understand
The gift that we’ve been given?
This precious life,
This precious baby,
Taken away to Heaven?
We don’t have all the answers why,
We probably never will.
We only know
There is a void
That only you can fill.
God must really love you
To take you back so soon.
He must have known
You were too special
To live in this life’s gloom.
Someday when we’re in Glory
At the end of this life’s race
We’ll run to you,
Embrace you,
We’ll see your smiling face.
But until then, sweet Jesse
We’ll all have to make do
With the footprints you left
On our hearts
And our memory of you.
Happy 4th birthday in Heaven, Jesse
Special hugs to all of you moms that have footprints on your hearts! I hope you have a special way of remembering your baby: a poem, a stuffed animal, a garden ornament, a rose bush or tree. I think it is important to be able to honor the child that you miscarried as you look toward a reunion in Heaven some day.
If you want to know more about the plan that God has provided for people to be right with Him and go to live in His Heaven, please contact us at HomeschoolChristianMom@gmail.com or you can read more here.
© 2019 www.homeschoolchristianmom.com

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