Startling News for Singles to Make Sure Your Waiting Is Not Wasted

footprints in sand on a deserted beach

Oh, I wish that I could tell you with certainty that “Good things come to those who wait,” and, “Your dreams will come true,”

but I can’t.

Even if you do everything right (whatever that means!), there is no guarantee with how your life with unfold. There are too many complexities in life to assure a certain outcome. I would dare say that the self-help book genre would completely disappear if we could follow a certain set of directions and then KNOW how our lives would turn out.

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Homeschool Meal Planning Starter Kit: Time-Saving, Easy-to-Use and Practical

Comedic. Text on confetti background. This is me: It's Friday. Let's go out to eat. 2nd picture. Picture of food. This is also me. I'm not paying $$$$ for this. I can make it at home. 3rd picture: Mom asleep next to coffee cup. Also me: Too tired to cook.

Meal-Planning: This system is NOT overwhelming!

If you saw our previous article, Help Me! Meal Planning Basics and panicked, relax! We put a lot of information in that article about meal planning to get you thinking long-term rather than the day-to-day survival mode. Long-term thinking will help you as are meal planning in a healthier way, prevent impulse buying, and save you time and money.

Continue reading “Homeschool Meal Planning Starter Kit: Time-Saving, Easy-to-Use and Practical”