Homeschooling: Teaching Your Children Biblical Truth

Amos 5:13 Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time. Amos goes on in the chapter to say “seek good and not evil” and “hate the evil and love the good.”

We are truly in unusual times. There has been quarantine, social distancing and stay-at-home orders since March 2020 due to the global pandemic of Covid-19. Then this past week George Floyd was detained by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the officer kept a knee on his neck and he soon died. The video is difficult to watch. Soon after the video went viral, protests erupted concerning this incident. Then the protests multiplied rapidly throughout the country, which developed and changed into rioting, looting, burning businesses, turning over cars, attacking the police and injuring others.

Speak Truth to Your Children

What do we need to do? We need to teach our children biblical truth all the time.

We sin because we are sinners. Adam’s choice to sin had long-reaching dire consequences for his descendants.

We have seen this same principle recently in our country. One man’s actions (this police officer) have had grave consequences for many throughout the country.

God has provided for us to be right with Him. Jesus’ work on the cross provides salvation. We can be right with God. The work of ONE provides salvation for ALL who accept Him.

Now is the accepted time to accept Jesus and join His Kingdom of Life. you will never find the peace, rest, and life your heart craves by following SIN.

We need to teach this to our children. We need to share this truth boldly with others.

Live TRUTH in front of your children.

You need to be the example to your children. Be living out the Bible in your own life. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and change you. Let the fruit of the Spirit grow in your life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5: 22, 23). 

I am not a patient person. But I am saved! I am a new person in Christ.  I am actively seeking for the Holy Spirit to work in my life and heart. Over time, the Lord has helped me and I am much more patient than I used to be.

Pray With Your Children

To you have a certain time to pray with your children every day? What do you pray for? Dear Lord, Please bless every one we know. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We had two baskets. In one basket we had the names of our relatives on little slips of paper. We put in all the relatives that we could think of. Each of us would pick a name to pray for every morning. Then we put the slips of paper in the other basket until the first basket was emptied. That way we made sure everyone got prayed for and then we would start over again. Why was this important?

Our families are not a big cosmic joke! God put us in our families on purpose. And one of those reasons is that your family, no matter how unique, needs your prayers. They need to be saved. You need to pray for your weird aunt! And truth be told, we all have an aunt like that!

And we need to pray for our neighbors, our enemies, and our authorities. Why? Why is that important? It is commanded in Scripture and it shows God’s heart. The Lord is not willing that ANY should perish. We need to have that same heart for others.

Of course there are people we don’t like. We might even think that we don’t want those people in Heaven. But our heart needs to be like God’s heart- we need to tell all people that God has provided a way for them to be right with Him. They can accept Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to take away their sin and be saved.

We pray for all of them to have hearts that are tender to God and sensitive to sin.

Pray FOR Your Children

“Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.” – Max Lucado

There are personal things that we need to pray for our children. We pray for that one child to be a little more outgoing. We pray for the next one to not quite be so outgoing! We pray that if that one child lies again that they will be caught. We pray for our youngest to not feel lost in the hustle and bustle of family life.

  • Speak Truth to Your Children
  • Live Truth in Your Life
  • Pray With Your Children
  • Pray For Your Children

“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith ✝️ without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love ❤️ and to good works:” Hebrews 10: 23-24.

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Homeschooling Basics: Getting Started

Expert Help for Home School Moms: I want to help you be successful like I've helped others. Picture of kids squirting water at each other outside in backyard.

Welcome to homeschooling! I have homeschooled my four and been working with homeschoolers for over 30 years. Here are the Basics to help you get started so you can have a happy homeschooling experience.

Your schooling style will need to fit your family and its needs, but it will also have to meet the requirements of your state and school district. See below for more resources for your specific state! In New York we have to notify the school district within 15 days.

Homeschooling: You Need Some Books

Generally with home schooling, you purchase and teach the subjects your child needs.  Whatever you are teaching, please join me on Homeschool Christian Mom group on Facebook for additional support. If you are having difficulty with finding curriculum or other resources, I can help you in that forum.

There are very good boxed all-in-one curriculums out there. I used and recommend BJU Press Homeschool curriculum for all my kids K thru 12. You can do parent led where you teach or purchase the DVD’s or get the same material through the computer. For any of those ways, there are recommendations for grading or they do it for you. I love the BJU curriculum because they have thought of everything. Subjects are well put together, they list tons of extra resources if you need it and all the prep work is done. On day one, you teach lesson one, etc. So the value of that kind of complete curriculum was worth every penny to me. Continue reading “Homeschooling Basics: Getting Started”