Startling News for Singles to Make Sure Your Waiting Is Not Wasted

Oh, I wish that I could tell you with certainty that “Good things come to those who wait,” and, “Your dreams will come true,”

but I can’t.

Even if you do everything right (whatever that means!), there is no guarantee with how your life with unfold. There are too many complexities in life to assure a certain outcome. I would dare say that the self-help book genre would completely disappear if we could follow a certain set of directions and then KNOW how our lives would turn out.

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So what’s the point?

Why wait? Why wait patiently? Why keep trying? I guess the answer is small and big at the same time. [clickToTweet tweet=”This whole life thing is not about you- it is about finding God’s purpose for your life and glorifying Him. #goalaccomplish1 @Franklin_Graham” quote=”This whole life thing is not about you- it is about finding God’s purpose for your life and glorifying Him.”] God has a purpose for your life generally- to accept His gift of salvation from your sin, being clothed in Christ’s righteousness to live as a light in a dark world. And yet, we have freedom of choice in making or not making that decision, as well as a myriad of other decisions.

“Waiting on God requires the willingness to bear uncertainty, to carry within oneself the unanswered question, lifting the heart to God about it whenever it intrudes upon one’s thoughts.” -Elisabeth Elliot.

(If you are not familiar with her life and ministry, you can read more about her in her book Through Gates of Splendor. She is a gem and her writings are very inspiring.)

So we wait. For whatever we hope to have happen- a great man to marry, a child of our own, a job that is satisfying, a business that succeeds, a friend that really understands us. Some have said that it is the process of waiting that shapes and molds us, and that is why waiting is important. But it is still waiting and can be heart-breaking at times.

We think, what if that knight never appears, the child never comes, the job is not satisfying, etc. So then, we need to change our focus, do we not? We need to find some kind of satisfaction in something else.

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My story

When we got married, we wanted to wait a year or so before we had children. After that period of time had passed, the Lord kept us waiting and waiting. I kept praying, “Lord, send us children when I am ready to be the kind of parent that I need to be.” I worked on being less angry and frustrated. I worked on having a good relationship with my husband. I was a good employee. I ministered at my church. Eventually, the Lord gave us children, for which I am very thankful. That waiting helped me be confident in God’s timing and my parenting.

But I know wonderful Christian ladies that pine for a child year after year and no child ever comes. I know wonderful Christian ladies that wait for a husband and he never appeared. These ladies had amazing ministries at their churches, with other people’s children, and to missionaries around the world- but they did not get that for which they waited and hoped.

They got something better. They got what the Lord planned for them.

Yellow lupine: text says "His master replied, Good job! You're a good and faithful servant! You proved that you could be trusted with a small amount. I will put you in charge of a large amount. Come and share your master's happinee." Matthew 25:23


You often cannot see it when you are in the middle of the trial. No earthly explanation can calm your heart or help you to understand. Poems meant to help you see things from God’s perspective are of little comfort -for you are in the midst of the trial and can only see the trial. Only God Himself, through His Word, in this life or in eternity, can fill this void that you have.

But it is enough to be waiting on God as He works in your life and He will make sure your wait is not wasted.

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© 2017

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4 Replies to “Startling News for Singles to Make Sure Your Waiting Is Not Wasted”

  1. Bible verse to apply to above situation… I think it is Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.” Then say, O K… I’m still…. what do You want me to do as I’m being still?…. Your next thought is probably His loving answer… act on it! smile with love…Nana

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