Sometimes parents need a little home schooling help. What if one day you look around and realize that you need to change something with your home school or discipline in your household? What can you do?
Homeschool Help: Phone Encouragement
Homeschooling is difficult. Thankfully there is a way to get the support you need with a phone consult. I will listen to what is going on at your house and help you come up with a plan that could work with your family. Get on my calendar here.
Join us! is available if you need more homeschooling support.
If you just need a few ideas to get you on the right track, here’s what worked for us:
The Toys Are Getting Dumped Out All The Time!
For example, what if you realize that your children dump all the toys over and over again all day long and you are sick and tired of the mess? You’ve tried a few things but nothing has worked. What do you do now?
Are you thinking of marrying across cultures, someone from another country or background? Are you thinking about marrying a foreigner? There are lots and lots of things to consider and be worried about! Have you thought of them all? Is it worrisome? Yes, (pause) and no.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”It is worrisome to marry into a different culture if you aren’t willing to work across the difficulties of marrying across cultures. You have to be flexible! #marriage #single #homeschool #fiance #crosscultures #Christianvalues @hmschchristnmom #iteach” quote=”It is worrisome to marry into a different culture if you aren’t willing to work across the difficulties of marrying across cultures.”]
What does marrying across cultures really mean?
There are many factors involved but you should consider what culture really means. Why does it matter? If you can both speak at least one language in common, what does it matter if you grew up in another country and culture? Or even if you grew up in the same country but had massively different experiences?
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Are you thinking of marrying a foreigner? It matters because culture is part of who people ARE, not just the place they grew up. #hmschchristnmom” quote=”It matters because culture is part of who people ARE, not just the place they grew up.”]