Homeschooling: Are you parenting “What IF” or “Even IF?”
Are you parenting with the “What IF?” outlook or the Even IF?
The following article is shared with permission. I love this perspective! (The pastor who wrote it has asked to remain anonymous- so if you think you recognize this, you probably do.)
A little over a month ago, my 5 yr. old daughter came out of her room after bedtime and told me that she thought she heard something that made her feel nervous. It reminded her of the scary part of a movie she saw one time. I held her in my arms and promised her that she’s safe.
I told her I’m big and strong and I’ll keep her safe, that our house is all locked up, and so our house is safe, and we live in a neighborhood and a town that’s safe. And besides all that, we trust God to keep us safe.
With deep concern, she asked, “But what if some bad guys come with a saw and try to cut through the wall to get into our house?” I said then we’ll call the police, and they’ll come and arrest the bad guys and take them to jail and we won’t see them anymore.
She then soberly asked, “Well, what if a bad guy comes and he’s bigger and taller than you and he fights you and you die?”
At this point, I said, “E, you’re playing the ‘What if’ game.”
And I made some absurd scenarios:
What if there’s so much snow that it buries our house, and we can never get out?
What if the wind blows so hard it picks us all up and drops us into the ocean?
And a few other silly examples like that. I said, “Are those things ever going to happen?”
And she laughed a little bit and shook her head. I said, “You’re worrying about all these things that have never happened and they are never going to happen. You need to stop playing the “What if” game.
She said, “Oh. Is the ‘What if ‘game the Devil’s game?” I wasn’t expecting that, but I said, “Yes, it sort of is!”
She said, “The Devil wants us to play the ‘What if game’ because it’s bad for us?” I said “Exactly. God wants us to trust him.
He wants us to say ‘God, I’m not going to play the ‘What if game?’ I’m going to trust you that you are in control.”
She immediately and timidly prayed in her little voice, “God, I’m not going to play the ‘What if game.’ I’m going to trust that you are in control.”
Change “What IF” to “Even IF!”
Tonight she was feeling a bit nervous again, and she again started asking me about things that she feels worried about.
I challenged her again to stop playing the “What if game,” and to instead try playing the “Even if” game.
I told her, “Even if the worst thing happens, we know that God is still good and will ultimately take care of us.”
She lit up and said “That reminds me of my favorite song! Even if the mountains fall into the sea, God will still take care of us! I like that song. It helps me when I feel scared.”
Psalm 46:1-3 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah.”
Daniel 3:17-18. “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, ‘King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.’”
I’m Ready to Play the “Even IF” Game!
I think this little girl got it exactly right when she called the “What If Game,” the Devil’s game! I don’t know about you, but my mind seems to like to worry and make me anxious.
But even if the worst things that I imagine do happen in my life, I am safe in God’s everlasting arms. Things may get very bad here on earth, but this earth is not my eternal home! I’m going to live with Jesus someday in His Heaven.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin. Please forgive me for my sins-all the bad things I have done. Come into my life. I receive You as my Lord and Savior. Now, help me to live for you the rest of this life and do the things that will please You.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
If you would like more information about being right with God, please contact me here.
And here’s a song to help us remember that God is keeping us safe in His hand!
Till the Storm Passes By
In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face
While the storm howls above me, and there’s no hiding place
‘Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry
Keep me safe till the storm passes byTill the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by
Many times Satan whispered,
“There is no need to try
For there’s no end of sorrow, there’s no hope by and by
But I know Thou art with me, and tomorrow I’ll rise
Where the storms never darken the skies
Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by
When the long night has ended and the storms come no more
Let me stand in Thy presence on the bright peaceful shore
In that land where the tempest, never comes, Lord, may I
Dwell with Thee when the storm passes by
Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by
I am Elizabeth Estelle, Homeschool Christian Mom, providing timely access to homeschooling answers for moms who have an “I’m stuck” moment during the day.
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Homeschool Christian Mom Elizabeth Estelle is ready to help you!
Elizabeth Estelle, homeschooling mom of four amazing children, and now a grandmother. She has been married to her college sweetheart for over 38 years. She loves the Lord, teaches, writes, mentors ladies, and likes to cook. She cleans as needed. In her spare time she enjoys teaching art. She led a homeschool co-op for 24 years. Now, she wants to encourage homeschooling families to persevere and be successful in their own homeschool adventure, kindergarten through high school.