I have a prayer for growth. I don’t want to hate Mother’s day. “I hate Mother’s Day!” If this is how you feel, read on. I understand feeling overwhelmed about Mother’s Day. There is an unrealistic expectation on Mother’s Day about how you are supposed to feel about your mother, your own motherhood experience, the fact that you aren’t a mom, your mother-in-law, Mother Teresa, and
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other kind of mother there is. And right now you can’t “feel” that enough. Or you don’t feel like acting all excited and amazing and gushing. Not this year. Not again.
Year after year you may have gone through the motions. Going out to dinner with everyone and smiling but feeling empty inside. Or misunderstood. Or very very angry at your situation. Please do not do that to yourself again. Use this Mother’s Day as a time of evaluation. God knows your situation this year and you need to look at your situation and learn the lessons. It is not by chance that you are where you are in life.
You don’t have to like Mother’s Day. It is okay. Did you hear me? It’s okay. The greeting card companies and flower shops can be for other people this year. You and your life are complicated. And sometimes, we women are so tired and frustrated at the falseness of Mother’s Day expections: insurmountable and unrealistic and impractical, that we really do hate Mother’s Day.
I am not advocating being mean to your mom, your mother-in-law or your children. Do not say hurtful things to people on Mother’s Day. Words spoken in anger cannot be erased and if you are already struggling, you don’t want to add more problems. Be kind. Be gracious. But if you really feel a need to bow out of the expected activities this Mother’s Day, explain that gently and don’t go.
So how do you handle it, when you are feeling overwhelmed? It’s not like you are a bad person. It is not that you generally hate people. [clickToTweet tweet=”It is just that this year, for whatever reason, you are feeling that Mother’s Day is too much. It’s okay. https://wp.me/p8m9Kn-8g #goalaccomplish1 #moms @moms ” quote=”It is just that this year, for whatever reason, you are feeling that Mother’s Day is too much. It’s okay. “]
I took an informal survey of some acquaintances and over half of them said that getting outside helped rejuvenate them: taking a walk, going to a park or garden, going on a hike. I think that is a good recommendation. And the outdoors is generally free! A few people listed exercising as a energy boost (“running by myself,” “time at the gym”), a few listed a hot bath or reading time (“reading my Bible,” “escaping with fiction”). What helps you “get your head back in the game?”
God cares for you. Because He does, we don’t have to hold on to our cares and hurts and suffer alone. We can pray and tell God and let Him carry those burdens for us. We can pray for personal growth. Don’t hate Mother’s Day. Use this time to re-evaluate what is going on in your life and look at how you can make some changes to get out of feeling overwhelmed. Don’t hold on to all your worries. Cast your cares upon the Lord- I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day. I really do.

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