Christian Homeschool Schedules put God first.
As a Christian, I like all things to be done decently and in order and my homeschooling schedule is no exception. I like advanced planning and scheduling.
We planned time every morning to start with prayer. What did we pray for?
- We prayed that God would help us do our school work to His glory, doing our best as good stewards.
- We asked that we would use our time wisely.
- We asked God to help us to get along together.
- We prayed for the salvation of friends and family members.
We had an excellent Bible curriculum that we used: BJU Press Homeschool. This curriculum teaches Bible principles and how to apply them to everyday living, beginning doctrinal truths introduced in an age appropriate way, memory verses as well as the history and geography of Scripture.
However, it did not have a lesson every day, but we would read a portion of Scripture, with or without comments. Proverbs is a good book to read together. Wisdom and Foolishness are contrasted throughout the book with a plea to choose the wise path.
Note: Maybe you know someone that “unschools.” Basically, this means they have just pulled their kids out of an organized school and are letting the kids run the show. They play, they help mommy make bread, they go to a museum, cut coupons, go shopping and lay around the house. I do not like that kind of home school although a few days off may be needed sometimes. I was a lot more like a drill sergeant!
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A homeschool schedule helps you get your work done.
GET YOUR WORK DONE! Hurry! We have to get this place cleaned up. Your dad will be home in a half hour. Hurry up!
I had an urgency to get the work done because I knew my husband would expect the kids to be done by the time he got home. And anyway, who wants to do school work for 10 hours a day?? Not me! I wanted to be done by 5 pm or earlier.

By changing some rewards and punishments, we were able to get school done by 5 pm every day. Advanced planning and scheduling are also skills that your children need. They need to learn how to manage their time for studying, reading, home work and chores even though they are always home.
Homeschool Schedules: This has to WORK FOR YOU!
Our new schedule didn’t free me up much, but it allowed me to get to meal prep for dinner. Our new 3 rules were: 1) Four subjects had to be done by lunch, 2) One of those subjects had to be math, 3) All school must be done by 5 pm.
[clickToTweet tweet=”My husband and I are insistent that we are not just raising Christian soldiers for the the Lord’s Army– but Special Forces. #goalaccomplish1″ quote=”My husband and I are insistent that we are not just raising Christian soldiers for the the Lord’s Army– but Special Forces.”]
We want our children to be the leaders for the next generation. Our children had to get all their work done every day and maybe do a little extra so that when we needed the flexibility, we had some work done ahead.
Christian Homeschool Schedules: Move Toward Success
So we pushed and pulled and coached and mentored and fumed and fussed them through each class. When one of my daughters was taking Physics, I would watch the BJU Press class with her. I did not always know exactly what the teacher was talking about, but I did have good short term memory so that I could repeat what the teacher said when my daughter was working through the problems later. We made it through the class and she got a good grade.
HOWEVER, the beauty of home schooling is that you can also be creative and pursue an area of study just because you want to!
The above cookies are definitely creative. They are decorated in colors and with the correct symbols for the periodic table for chemistry. Thanks, Denise for sharing your daughter’s project with us. She did a great job!
In New York the regulations that govern non-public education also cover home schooled students. Although some parents do not appreciate the regulations, we are protected by them. And even though I moaned and groaned about doing quarterly reports for my children, I discovered on more than one occasion that a child of mine had not been honest about the amount of school work that was getting done!
Christian Homeschool Schedules: To Teach Honesty, Check Their Work
That was my fault, too. As the parent, I should have been checking behind them more regularly. Advanced planning and scheduling also need to include regular checks of our children’s work. It will keep us and them on schedule.
My children enjoyed martial arts.
Whatever schedule you choose for your home schooling, may I please encourage you to aim for excellence. It is a lot of responsibility to teach your children, but you can do it and do a great job. You will not be your child’s best friend during your home school days. You may feel like you are always the “meanie,” which you will be.
Schedule: Who is Mrs. Nesbit?
I found out that my children used to call me Mrs. Nesbit. She was their version the tyrant orphanage manager Miss Hannigan in Annie. Eek! However difficult it is now to keep your children on task, I can assure you will be bursting with happiness when you see your children succeeding later in life. And finally– when you have adult children, then you can be their friend and it is wonderful.
If you need a quick breakfast/brunch idea you might enjoy our family’s Most Delicious Pancakes Ever Recipe or Spamcakes.
Youtube: Homeschool Christian Mom These videos discuss homeschool scheduling, working with your Littles, thinking long term and praying with and for your students.

Let’s connect:
Join me! Homeschool Christian Mom FREE Facebook group with tips on grading, scheduling and more!
Homeschool Christian Mom Facebook page: We discuss the ins and outs of our homeschooling days and offer great ideas to help each other succeed.
Youtube: Homeschool Christian Mom These videos discuss homeschool scheduling, working with your Littles, thinking long term, and many other topics.
For additional home schooling support, join my private client group.
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© 2018
I am all about those cookies! I like the tweet in the middle too, it’s easy to read! I don’t have kids, but you have some good ideas!
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